Sunday, October 12, 2014

Jennifer Larson, Controlled Opposition Liar

As with all liars, the important things are the things they refuse to say, refuse to see and refuse to understand.  No matter how stupid they pretend to be, their intent to lie to you becomes obvious when they ask you questions that purport to be genuine and then they refuse to respond to the answers.  This conversation went on for six months and I present the end of it here.  The fact the Jennifer refused to respond to all of the facts I gave her tells us that she is the enemy.  No human could truly be this stupid that they can't understand what I was telling her.  Nobody who wants to present the truth could ignore what I said.  This is who leads the autism community, liars.

  • Jennifer Larson
    Jennifer Larson

    John- I can't change the world alone. You de-friended me. People aren't coming together and I'm sick to death of congressmen lying to me. Their egos to stay in office are more important than our kids. Do u really think I am evil??? Do u really think I would kill myself to stop the evil? I won't convince u.... I am probably one of the purist of the pure. I just don't have the answer and firing congress isn't getting traction without the next step. What do we do next? That the question to those that trust me.
  • 4 May
  • John Best
    John Best

    LOL, firing Congress is the ONLY answer. Of course, when you don't put in on your Canary Party page, nobody learns the option exists. That confirms the evil intent to lead people to do nothing and ensure the war is lost.
  • John Best
    John Best

    If you actually believe the words you said to me, then you also have to believe the words I said to you. Ginger Taylor is an enemy. The Canary Party page proves it beyond the slightest doubt. If you refuse to see that, then you must be part of the plan with her to destroy the opposition. It's easy to see her deception if you look. You are either evil incarnate or you have been duped by Ginger. I can tell you how to undo her treachery because I'm a thousand times more intelligent than she is.
  • Jennifer Larson
    Jennifer Larson

    I don't see her deception..... I'm not an idiot. and if she really is trying to be the controlled opposition is she being paid? I've known her a few years now. I know I'm not part of destroying the opposition and that's really all I know. I can't imagine that the govt (central banksers/ illuminat) would pick Ginger to do their work. She's really not influential enough to stop anything and only writes a blog. So who do you believe are authentic and real in fighting? We know the media and congress are being paid to destroy us. Who in this vaccine fight to you is real and not controlled? Who should I trust?
    • John Best
      John Best

      Mark Geier, Andy Cutler and Boyd Haley are real. Lisa Sykes is real. Lenny Schafer was a dupe, in my opinion. Handley, Olmstead, Kirby, Stagliano, LJ Goes, Blaxill and Ginger are prominent people who are the enemy. Jenny McCarthy was led by some evil entity to make all of us look foolish. I believe she was used and did not have evil intent. Ginger told the whole world she was the enemy by deleting the picture of my car along with my words trying to inspire people to take similar action to sway public opinion. Whether you know it or not, Public Opinion is the most potent weapon the world has ever known and nothing is accomplished on Earth without controlling it. Ginger knows this. That's why she used a troll named Katie Kagen to start a fight with me to provoke me to be rude to said troll to give Ginger a lame excuse to delete my picture and ban me from the page and throw me out of the Canary Party. She knows I'm one of the only people in the autism community who ever understood the scam of leading people to do nothing. John Gilmore and his lawyer friend are the enemies who lead people to call and email Congress which they know is pointless. They know Congress is 100% corrupt. All lawyers know this because all lawyers are pledged to serve Rothschild and his Crown of England when they join the BAR association. Jake Crosby blames Blaxill for throwing the Omnibus but the lawyers were going to throw that anyhow. They didn't need any help. They told everyone they were throwing the case when they used Martha Hebert as a witness and didn't use Andy Cutler. That was all you needed to know. If you actually want to win this battle, you have to start by taking control of the Canary Party Facebook page, exposing Ginger for the traitor that she is, apologizing to the members for being duped by her and start providing real leadership to inspire people to sway Public Opinion. The Canary Party position paper that left out the words "thimerosal" and "mercury" told the world that this was a deception right from the start. There is no way any honest person tries to resolve autism without mentioning those words. Whoever authored that document is the enemy. The group led by Lisa Goes
    • John Best
      John Best

      Thinking Moms Revolution is the enemy although some of them probably don't realize it.
    • John Best
      John Best

      Naturally, there's more to this deception but it's not worth saying if you can't see Ginger's disingenuous leadership that always inspired nothing and lulled people to sleep with a bunch of useless posts. Look at the Canary Party page. Is there anything that ever inspired anyone to fight?
    • John Best
      John Best

      The sheeple were herded into pens and kept there by the corrupt leadership. They talk to each other and the public stays uninformed. The EOHarn Yahoo group was the first pen they used to keep people caged. There is one group of mothers in Wisconsin who protests outside, holding signs. They're real. One woman named Robin has protested, forgot her last name. I protested. Nobody else is ever led to protest anything, except to Congress where the phone calls and emails are simply deleted. My rock had paint dumped on it three times by the enemy to blot out the words I painted. Would Ginger suggest to people to do the same thing I did? No, she blocked me and banned me from the page. silencing the truth, silencing a leader who urged people to fight, at no cost to anyone, free advertising.
    • John Best
      John Best

      Is Ginger's Master's in psychology of some sort? Then she's qualified to use psychological warfare and, like all in that profession, well versed at lying and presenting it as truth. If you want to fight a war, you hire someone who's trained in that sort of thing, like an ex USAF Captain, like me. If you want to lose the war, you shut those people up who are trained and willing to fight it.
    • John Best
      John Best

      When it becomes evident that you have been sold out by subversion, you publicize it. You don't allow yourself to feel stupid for being duped. You recognize your enemies and you do anything you can to defeat them. It wasn't easy for me to understand that JB Handley was my enemy after I had unwittingly been allies with him, before I watched him sell us out. It took a lot of thought before I started writing about the deception.
    • John Best
      John Best

      Then you see strange cars parked at the end of your driveway. You wonder about it but you refuse to accept fear that it might just be the damn CIA. You keep exposing them.
    • John Best
      John Best

      "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, " Poisoning our babies told us that the government had become destructive towards the goals of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. The government doesn't want anyone to know this. That's why people like Ginger commit treason against our children. Yes, it's treason, abetting our enemies. Leading people to do nothing only serves Congress. It does not serve our poisoned kids.
    • John Best
      John Best

      Do I need to prove that Ginger is paid to do what she does or could she actually be that stupid? Could anyone with a Masters from Johns Hopkins truly be that stupid? Maybe. It doesn't matter. The stupidity can be real or feigned. The lack of leadership can not be ignored though.
    • John Best
      John Best

      Refusing to see the deception makes you a deceiver by default. Your intentions become immaterial when you become trapped in the belly of a lie.
    • Jennifer Larson
      Jennifer Larson

      I want to respond to you when I'm at my computer. I am at the zoo today with my son. I do agree you. I know you are right. I wish more people cared.
    • John Best
      John Best

      This is about ten years of deception we're dealing with. Many, many mothers have been led to promote false information. I think that most of them don't know that they're doing this. I think most believe they're doing the right thing. The ones who write the false information are very tricky with their words. They're skilled wordsmiths, like I am. People who were lucky to make it through high school are fooled by this stuff. The deceivers gained their trust, used famous people to help enrich their lies, fooled almost everyone. I think a lot of people do care. They don't know what to do because their leadership is the enemy. The enemy is intelligent and insidious, just like Congress and the banksters. ( i kept adding on to this as I was trying to help others see other deception in different areas. It takes time to accept that you have been hoodwinked by people you trust. When you see it, you see more, easily.)

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