Saturday, March 1, 2008

NY Times Falls for Hoax, Amanda Baggs

Amanda Baggs has found another victim to help her spread misinformation about autism. I wrote to the author of this nonsense, Tara Parker-Pope but she has not replied. I also commented on the NY Times site but they did not decide to publish the truth, that Amanda Baggs is not, and has never been autistic.

At the end of this piece, the Times links to an article they published in 2004 about not curing autism. This bit of misdirection says nothing at all about autism but discusses a kid with Asperger's. It's impossible to tell if the author is simply ignorant since she won't reply to my information letting her know that she was conned or if she is an active participant in the sham being perpetrated by

To fully understand Amanda Baggs' fraud, one also has to understand the fraud coming from Neuroinsanity. Neuroinsanity exists for the sole purpose of bashing anyone who has anything to do with curing autism. The preferred method of attack by this band of psychopaths is character assassination. Neuroinsanity links back and forth to Quackbusters which is a Pharma financed group that exists to try to discredit all forms of alternative medicine.

In the case of curing autism, Neuroinsanity and Quackbusters would have us believe that chelation to remove mercury from poisoned children is some form of quackery practiced by witch doctors. The fact of the matter is that chelation has been used since the 1940's and is standard practice in mainstream medicine for cases of mercury poisoning. What Neuroinsanity and Quackbusters are really up to is an attempt to prevent people from curing autistic children because those cured children are evidence against Pharma for poisoning babies into autism with thimerosal in vaccines.

If this bunch of sadists can use Amanda Baggs to spread their deranged message, they can influence parents to forego treatments that will help their children. They can make naive people think that there is actually something good about having autism. They can also influence the general public through the NY Times and CNN into believing that autism is no big deal, that people like Amanda Baggs, who acts like a low functioning autistic person can get along in life with a minimum of support.

The truth of the matter is that children who act like Amanda Baggs will never improve without intense medical intervention. They will remain unable to communicate for the rest of their lives, will never be able to care for themselves and will require 24 hour a day care in an institution once they become too large for their parents to handle. By confusing the distinction between Asperger's and autism, Neuroinsanity and Amanda Baggs can deflect blame from the Pharmaceutical industry. They have a willing cult of adults with Asperger's who also spread this message that they do not want to be cured. The fact of that matter is that many of these cult members diagnosed themselves with Asperger's yet, they advertise themselves as autistic.

Ask yourself if you'd label yourself as a severely disabled person who can't even wipe your butt versus a college educated professional if you were applying for a job. That's what these adults, who claim to have Asperger's do when they refer to themselves as autistic. It just does not make sense. One would think they'd want to make sure they marked themselves with a wide distinction from the horrible nightmare that autism is. Who would ever consider hiring an autistic person for any job when they would have to have at least two other employees to care for them and, of course, the autistic person could never accomplish one single task in any form of employment?

That's what autism is, a condition in which no person will ever accomplish anything and will never be able to communicate anything but the most basic of needs, if that. With rare exceptions, it would be absolutely impossible to teach an autistic child to type coherent thoughts without treating the cause of the condition so their brain could function at something approaching normalcy.

The only reason Amanda Baggs can type coherent thoughts at 120 words per minute and make her own Youtube videos is beacuse she is a phoney. Amanda Baggs entered Simon's Rock College at age 13. She left her home in California, unaccompanied, and travelled to Massachusetts where she lived in a dormitory and took care of herself. While attending college, she used magic mushrooms and lots of LSD. She soon found herself out of college and in an asylum after threatening suicide. Later, in her delusional state which was diagnosed as schizophrenia, she decided she was an elf. Then, at age 19 or 20, she managed to find a doctor who gave her an autism diagnosis.

She became friends with a lesbian in Vermont and moved across the country again to live in her own apartment. At some point, she became involved with Neuroinsanity. The owner of that site visits her and has driven her places from her home in New Hampshire. When I discuss Amanda Baggs on certain forums, the husband of Neuroinsanity's owner shows up to try to defend Baggs. Of course, his only defense of her involves trying to assassinate my character, a trick I'm sure he learned from his wife. Baggs has also had a lawyer following discussions about her. This lawyer makes legal sounding threats, has comments about Baggs deleted and even went so far as to try to hold another autistic woman responsible for anonymous comments made on this blog that were uncomplimentary towards Baggs.

Tara Parker-Pope needs to meet a real autistic person some day. I'd love her to spend a day with my son so she could appreciate the full horror that autism is. Perhaps then, she could stop being conned by the likes of Amanda Baggs and write a piece that describes the nightmare that our Vaccine industry has perpetrated by negligently poisoning our babies.

This whole circus of Baggs, Neuroinsanity and lawyers is a disgrace. These people belong in prison for the scam they have engineered to obfuscate the truth about autism.


  1. I am beginning to suspect a conspiracy unfolding. Amanda Baggs may or may not be in on the conspiracy. She may simply be benefitting from it. I am convinced at this point that she is a major psycho.

    This is what I see.

    Children are poisoned with expensive vaccines, drug companies make a fortune and governments do not have to answer for the damage or pay for treatments because the ND, Amanda Baggs, Michelle Dawson crowd of "would-be" disabled people claim they do not want a cure and therefore no vaccine damaged child wants a cure. One day all the truly autistic kids whose parents are now dead will be adult autistics, warehoused out of the way. Those like Baggs and Dawson who are in fact not disabled at all will get on another bandwagon and get on with their lives.

    The drug companies and the governments will get away with killing and poisoning kids.

    You are right that major news outlets who are giving Baggs a platform can influence millions of people. I almost believed Baggs myself at one point.

    When will the insanity end?

    Drug comapanies need to stop making kids sick and governments need to stop allowing it.

  2. CNN. Wired, and now the NYT all using Amanda Baggs as the amazing miracle poster child for the low functioning autistic who has learned to communicate.
    It makes me so sick.
    I, too, wrote to these journalists, and nothing. It's such horrible journalism, so irresponsible.

  3. I think everybody should keep on sitting back and not doing a damned thing but tsk'ing disgustedly until Baggs has her own daily talk show ("Ask Amanda"/"Ask an Autistic") and is a multimedia marketing bonanza selling shitloads of CDs and books and having big screen movies made about her.

    Lets wait until she's singlehandedly put the disability rights movement back 100 years, caused millions of autistics to be denied treatment and services and as a direct result of her, to spend lives lost in institutions before anybody finally decides to do a f*cking thing about it.

    Lets all have blind faith that 'oh it won't get that bad' and 'somebody else'll put a stop to it surely before then' (and not think about any examples from history that likewise demonstrate the truth that 'evil triumphs when good men do nothing')

    Yeah that's one hell of good a plan.

  4. Hello John. I feel disgusted if Amanda really is faking it. Why? She passes herself off as severely autistic, she's lying and now people are going to think that because people on the spectrum aren't as bad as a phoney that they must not be autistic at all.

    -Non Elf

  5. "That's what autism is, a condition in which no person will ever accomplish anything and will never be able to communicate anything but the most basic of needs, if that."

    You don't know much about it do you? You just described the worst of low functioning Autism only.


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